Firday, June 18th 2021

Shotgun start at 8:30 a.m.

Check in from 7:00am – 8:15 am

4 persons Golf Teams (Scramble) – One person will be the Captain

“In a scramble, each player tees off on each hole. The best of the tee shots is selected and all players play their second shots from that spot. The best of the second shots is determined, then all play their third shots from that spot, and so on until the ball is holed.”

Team Captain is responsible to turn in the scorecard at the end of the tournament – Must use Team Label card Starting Hole will be assigned – Must Have 4-Persons Participating to be scored for Flights.

Cost per Team: $350.00 (This is for a 4-person team, Cart Rental, Green Fees, Tshirt per player, 2 Beverage Tickets per player, and lunch that follows the event, where more prizes will be given away)

Lunch and Prize Presentation will follow golf tournament at clubhouse.

Money Ball will be back this year! Allows for one player an additional shot at each location. Additional $60, $10 rebate when returned.

Prized Awarded in top 3 Flights:

Championship Flight

First Flight

2nd Flight

The winning team is able to take their team to the State Build-Pac Tournament to represent the HBA on August 13th, 2021.

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